Terms and Condition

Account and registration

If you want to use the service, you must open an account with us and provide mandatory information. By creating an account and registering the service, you declare and make sure: (i) you at least 16 years old; (ii) You register from the United States and maintain the address of mail and postal in the United States; (iii) You use the service for personal purposes, not commercial or resale; (iv) You use real identity; (v) You provide correct, accurate, present and complete information; and (vi) you will maintain and update information to ensure accuracy, present and complete. You understand and agree that we have the right to refuse to access your service or terminate your registration without notice if we, according to our own decision, think that you violate these terms, including Including your statements and guarantees in this section.

You also agree to maintain the security of your account that is granted to you to use or access the service or any part of the service and not allow any other person or organization to use any human name. What is used for you. You will be responsible for all activities that take place in your account. We cannot and will not be responsible for any loss or damage arising because you do not comply with these obligations. All information you provide will be used according to our privacy policy.

The accuracy of the information you provided

You declare and make sure that all information you provide related to the site you use is correct, accurate and complete, and you will maintain and update that information when necessary to maintain the main personality. The body of the information. You admit that if any information you provide is false, inaccurate, outdated or incomplete, we can stop you using the website.

Color and style

We have tried our best to display the color and style of the product displayed on the website as accurately as possible. However, we cannot guarantee that the product you receive will be identical to the color and style you see on the screen.

Comment/ Feedback

We welcome your comments and feedback related to our website, products and services. However, we do not accept secret or exclusive information. Accordingly, all comments, feedback, ideas, proposals, documents, information, product design or concepts and other submitted contents are revealed, sent or provided to Ardith by website This or another way (collectively called “comments”) are not confidential and will become and still the property of Ardith. The disclosure, sending or providing any comments will constitute the transfer to Ardith all rights, ownership and interests worldwide and goodwill in comments without paying any amount. Which compensation. Comments that you send you must not violate any rights of any third party and do not contain any document that is defamatory, insult, porn or illegal.

Fix errors and errors

The website’s information may contain typing or incorrect and incomplete or updated errors. Therefore, we have the right to correct any errors, inaccurate or shortcomings and change and update information at any time without notice (including after you have submitted orders). We apologize for any inconvenience that this can cause you.

Third party page

The site may contain super -linked super -operated websites. Ardith does not control these linked websites and therefore we are not responsible for the content of those websites. The links are provided just for your own convenience and the decision of Ardith when put into an unspecified link or our confirmation for the websites or products and services that they Supply or offer. You access these websites and use or buy their products and services completely according to your own risk.

Your responsibility

You are completely responsible for how you use our services. You agree to compensate and keep us and directors, officials, staff, service providers, suppliers and agents not subject to any losses and obligations. , complaints, damage or costs (including lawyers and costs and costs of court) incurred from or related to any of your use or occur due to you.

The use is banned

You can only use the website for legal purposes and according to these terms. You must not use the website:

– According to any way of violating any of the current law, state, local or international rules (including but not limited to any law related to data exports or parts. Soft and go from the United States or other countries).

– Transmit or buy any advertising documents or promotions without our written consent, including any “spam”, “spam” or any form of offer. Similarly.

– Impersonate or try to impersonate us, any of our employees, other users or any other individuals or organizations (including but not limited to the use of email addresses or screen names. Figure related to any of the above).

– Participate in any other acts that limit or prevent the use of or enjoy the website of anyone, or in our opinion, can be harmful to us or the user of the site or make them or make them or make them. Legal responsibility.

– Transfer, post, publish or send any illegal, threatening, defaming, pornography, scandal, fraud, fraud, law, pornography, pornography, click dynamic, obscene or violation or any document that may constitute or encourage behavior is considered criminal, leading to civil liability or violating any law.

– To express or imply that we confirm any of your statements or posts, or any product or service you provide.

Additionally, you must not:

– Use any robot, spider or device, process or other automatic means to access the website for any purpose, including monitoring or copying any document on the website.

– Use any device, software or habit that affects the normal operation of the site.

– Put into any type of virus, horse, deep, logic or toxic or harmful documents.

– Try to illegally access, intervene, damage or break any part of the website, server storage site or any server, computer or database connected to the website.

– Deliberately interfere with the normal operation of the website.

– Copy, clone, backup, sell, resell or exploit for any commercial purposes, any part, use or access to the site.

– Delete any copyright notifications, trademarks or ownership from the website or from documents originating from the site.

Limit responsibility

If for any reason, we are judged to be responsible to you, you agree that your compensation will be limited to your actual damage, measured by real economic losses. Te must spend. You agree that you will not require any compensation, especially, punishment or deterrent, or indirect or lost profits. You agree that even if you ask for these types of damage, the court or the referee cannot give them to you. You understand and agree that the price of these services will be significantly higher without the limits of this legal responsibility.

Terminated by us

We have the right to terminate this agreement, according to our own decision. We may terminate this agreement before sending you a written notice. For example, we will stop the account of any user threatening or harassing any other user.

Contact us

If you have a question or want to complain, please contact us via the address:

Email: [email protected]

Address: 1796 S Barlow Ln, Boise, ID 83709, USA

Working hours: 8 am – 5 pm (from Monday to Saturday, Sunday)